Tuesday, August 9, 2011


It's funny how things work. One day, you think your whole life is planned out and everything is set in stone. The next day, things can be completely different. I keep saying it, but I don't think I've ever taken it to heart. What is it? Change is the only constant in life.

What am I talking about? I can't give specifics. All I can say is that there are some things in life that you can't help. Life takes you on a journey. Yes, you can make your own decisions and follow whatever path you want to take, but there comes a time when life just throws obstacles in the way. Even if you try and dodge them, it just comes back. I guess this is what they call destiny. I can't help but think, what am I doing? I've been skirting around these obstacles, but it somehow keeps following me. Should I just give in to "destiny" or should I keep trying to change the path.

Life is the most interesting rollercoaster. I guess everything happens for a reason. Can you really change the path though? If you choose the wrong path, will it just keep presenting itself until you do choose it? Will it ever go away? Is there even such a thing as "destiny"?


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