Happiness is forever, happy is temporary.
You are in control of your own emotions and I know that. I don't let myself get to any extremes, emotion-wise. Is this good? I'm not sure. At the same time, I don't allow others to have an effect on my emotions either.
One exception. I'm not sure why. It brings me back to grade school. Remember the time when you wanted to call someone? You let the phone ring a few times, each ring feels like forever. Then finally, the rhythm of the ring is broken up with a "hello". Your heart skips a beat for that split second and then it stops, you feel your face getting flushed. Then, the next thing you know, you've hung up the phone. Then you realize that you're just happy because you got to hear their voice. That's the same "happy" I feel each time. I'm scared because I've never been so open. Even more scared because it's been so quick. For now, I'm just going to embrace the "happy" and let things work themselves out.
Yes, I am in control of my emotions, but sometimes there is that one thing that allows you to be vulnerable. Has an influence on your emotions and you choose to be happy. That short "hello" can make your day. It's hard to explain why or how. All I know is that I'm in a state of happiness and the extra spurts of happy that is brought on by this is simply amazing.
=) simply happy =)
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